Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What the birthday girl wants.....

My daughter wants these for her birthday party at school.

I'm gonna give it a shot. I've already eating 3 oreos and the cupcakes aren't even done baking yet. I'll let you know how they turn out


  1. Those are adorable!! Did you come up with the idea yourself, or did you find a recipe somewhere? I'm looking for some fun cupcakes to take in to Abby's preschool class on Monday for her birthday. What is the ladybug made of?

  2. So there I go asking you a question, and don't leave my e-mail address....ooops! It's

    Thanks! :)

  3. Have fun! I made those ones a couple months back. They were really fun to do and so yummy! Happy birthday to Emily!

  4. Can't wait to see how they turn out!

  5. Those are too pretty to eat!!! I love them! I'm sure Emily loved having them at school!!! Hope she had a wonderful day! I can't wait to see her freshly pierced ears!!! Give her a squeeze for me!

  6. what a cute cupcake.. great idea.

  7. Those look really hard, but I have zero talent for those types of things. So, I would be really impressed!

  8. Those are so cute!!! I just can't believe there are schools that still allow home-baked goods.

  9. Hey, how did these turn out? They look oh so yummy!


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