My family went downtown to a street church to help feed the homeless lunch and to provide them with clothes, toiletries, hats, gloves, etc. For awhile I sat at a table where people were able to come and use my cell phone to make a call to a loved one. I watched one man desperately try to come up with someone to call. We tried 411 with a few names and towns, but we were not able to locate anyone for him. He did leave a message somewhere, but who knows if it was actually his family or not. You could see the desperation in his face to simply connect with someone who was family. I was truly saddened for him, and I am truly humbled by how blessed I am to have so much family around. He is looking for ANYONE, while I'm trying to figure out how much time I will spend with the different sides of the family. It's humbling.
On this day, the birth of Christ, God gave us all the most amazing gift! The gift of His Son. Through that gift he offers many others....salvation, love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, the blessing to be a part of the family of God, and many others. It's a gift He offers to ANYONE. He offers it to YOU infact! When I was in second grade I accepted that gift by saying my "C,B,A's" I Confessed that I am a sinner. I proclaimed that I Believed that Jesus is the Son of God and died on the cross to forgive us for our sins. I Asked Jesus to come into my heart, be my savior and help me to live a life according to His Holy word.
If you haven't opened this gift from God yet, I encourage you to peel back the wrapping and take a peek (start by reading the book of Luke). Ask God to reveal Himself to. God will meet you where you are. You don't have to be "good enough" for God. Just go to Him, open His Gift and He will love and accept you ALWAYS! Then just watch as He transforms your heart by the renewing of your mind!
Merry Christmas, Shannon and all you eightcrazy bloggers!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great experience for your family today. We are all so blessed and it is so easy to want more, more, more. Thank you for sharing about your day, I pray for peace and comfort in that gentlemans life. Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteYour post made me cry, because I am so thankful for all the many gifts in my life; salvation, grace, family, friends, etc... It broke my heart to read about the man who couldn't find someone to call. How sad--- I love you and am so thankful for you,your hubby, and your beautiful kids, who look like their Kiki!!
ReplyDeleteTrully that is were Jesus is today! With those who are lonely and without. My mother in law has been withut a home for many many years. Not for lack of family who love her. But because she has mentally been checked out life since her husband(my husbands father)was murdered many years ago. We pray God will soon restore her life and she'll recognize how needed she is. Thank God for those who take time to love on those broken souls. My husbands heart brakes daily for his lost mother.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteWish we could have been there with you! What a humbling experience. Instead I spent Sunday afternoon in the ER. Joy, joy!
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Shannon!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely nativity set!