We had pizza pockets! Yumm-O
Do you remember your first cookbook, or the first dinner you ever cooked?
8,8888 and counting! EIGHTCRAZINESS IS HERE!!! Let the giveaway begin!!
Ok, here are the details:
For the next EIGHT days I will do EIGHT consecutive posts (including this one). During that EIGHT days leave a comment once on each post and you will receive an entry for each comment you leave (up to 8 entries possible this way)
If you post on your blog about my giveaway and link to it, (let me know) and that will enter you into the drawing one more time as well. Link to Gems By George (let me know) and you will get entered yet again! You will also be entered again if you leave a comment at Gems By George between now and the next 8 days.
And there is one final way to enter. Take a picture that could represent EIGHTCRAZINESS (notice my pics on the lower left column) and email it to me at eightcrazy8@gmail.com I will post all the pics as they come in! Have fun with this and get creative!
Wow, there are so many chances to WIN!
So let’s review the ways to enter – You could have up to 20 entries!!
* Leave comments over the next eight days here at Eightcrazy (up to 8 entries this way)
* Leave comments over the next eight days at Gems By George (up to 8 entries this way)
* Post on your blog about the giveaway and link to Eightcrazy (let me know you did this – up to one entry this way)
* Link to Gems by George in a post on your blog (let me know you did this – up to 1 entry this way)
* Send a pic that defines or depicts EIGHTCRAZINESS to my email at eightcrazy8@gmail.com (up to 2 entries this way which means you can submit up to 2 pics)
Entries must be received by
“Every jewelry item I create is part of one of 12 different series. The series names come from the qualities represented by the dominant color in the piece, and some of the names are Strength, Restoration, Passion, Peace, Kindness, etc. It's a long story (I'll tell you one of these days) of how these came to be, but for now, I just want you to know that I pray over each jewelry item, asking God to touch the wearer and bless them in whatever way they need. I will never know, this side of heaven, how this works in individual lives, but I love being able to partner with God in such a manner.”