Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why do we do it to ourselves.......

Why do we sabotage ourselves ladies? I completely did it to myself over the last year and a half! A year and a half ago I had worked my behind off (literally) for several months. I dropped 25 pounds, lost more than 26 inches off my body and dropped my body fat percentage by 9%. I was healthy, looking good, had lots of energy, and felt great! Here I am a year and half later.....with 18 of the 25 pounds hanging out on my body again. I have no idea about the other stuff (inches and body fat). I had totally been avoiding the scale and had no clue where I was until Friday night. One of my fabulous neighbor gals called and said 3 of us are going to do a biggest loser you want to do it with us?

I love competition and so of course I said yes! (as I was sitting here at my desk eating chips and salsa when she called!) Then she told me, I had to go to the neighbors right then to weigh in! We had to all weigh in in front of each other. That was fun!!! LOL! So we all pitched in $50 bucks. $200 total. $50 of it will go towards little rewards along the way and the other $150 is the grand prize! The competition goes until the end of January. We were all in a hurry on Friday, so we still have some details to work out, but now the journey begins! WE will be weighing in weekly.

None of these ladies read my blog.....but many of my locals know who my neighbors you can give them this message...."GAME ON LADIES!!!!" (skinny jeans here I come!)


  1. you are so funny... you can't resist a good competition! go girl... !

  2. I learned at Weight Watchers that when we lose weight for a specific event or for a contest or whatever, that we tend to quit after that day comes. So win the contest, of course, but then pretend its not over. I know that I have to learn to make it a lifestyle to eat healthy and all that. Good luck!

  3. oh how fun!!! You guys couldn't wait until after November 6th??! I would have loved to do it with you!!! What a great idea. Good luck!

  4. I hear you!! After I had chestnut Cheeks I lost 16kg (what's that in pounds?) and here I am with it all back on!

    Good luck with your competition!

  5. I am making maple apple tarts with vanilla ice cream. . .wanna come over?!? Just kidding. I need to get some motivation to get me working out again too. Good Luck!

  6. I want to play - I've got 20lbs I'd love to lose! I just entered into my second week of really busting my butt at the gym 4 or 5 days a week. It's fun, but competition is so much more fun!! GL!

  7. they don't know what they're up against do they! good for you, a "healthy" competition. (pun intended!) : )
    gonna start running?


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