Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Space Planning Help

Ok, so I have to decide where to put plugs, lights, etc in all the rooms. I'm having trouble with my kids' rooms because I'm not sure how I want to set them up. So I'm posting three options and I need OPINIONS!! PLEASE

This is for my son's room......
Which option do you think works the best and provides the best amount of space along with the best visual appeal?

Option 1......

Option 2......

Option 3.....

Option 4....
Thanks for you help!


  1. i prefer option 2 or 4. i dont like beds under windows and i dont like to walk into a room seeing the side of a bed. just my own preference. hope you figure it out.

  2. I like option 1. Visually, from the door looking in, you will be able to tell its a bedroom while leaving a lot of room for play space, (messy space,) that won't be visible.

  3. I like one or four myself. I like the bed in the middle of the room.

  4. I like 2. How lucky to get to plan this all from scratch!

  5. I like the balance of 3, but always hated sleeping under a window when I was a kid. 4 doesn't give the person walkling in much visual appeal and the desk is sure to get messy. I think it should be hidden and the focal point should be the bed. That leaves either 1 or 2. As far as plug go, couldn't you put them in so that either option would work? I always need the option of change!

  6. I would have to choose no. 1 as my favorite. I have always thought the more natural light you have for the desk the better. Whatever you choose it will be good.

  7. i like 2 or 3 for visual appeal/space.

  8. If you're going the fung shuei route, then #2 is the best ("rules" dictate you should always be able to see your door from your bed to make sure "evil spirits" cannot come in without your knowledge--but if you think that's a bunch of mumbo jumbo like I do then...) I sill like #2, but #4 is a cozy set up too, and both leave enough room for the chair to slide in and out of the desk, and drawers to be opened fully on the dresser. I think #1 would make bed making kind of difficult.

    GOOD LUCK! I'm sure whatever way you choose to arrange it will present itself with more than one option if necessary :)!

  9. I like 2 just for the look when you walk in the door.

  10. I like number two the best...I like the bed (with nice bedding) to be the focal point and I like that the desk (which can get messy) is out of sight of the doorway and passersby.

    Really, they all have something going for them, but number 2 is my definite favourite.

    Have fun planning!!

  11. #2 all the way. I like to walk in the room and see the bed. It isn't near the window, which is nice. The window will provide great light in #2 projecting the bed as your focal point, especially since he has the cutest comforter and furniture in the world. That is my two cents.

  12. looks like I'm the odd man out. I like #3. I like where the bed is positioned.

  13. We just built a home, I had to do the same excrutiating task. I put them under every window (because I like Christmas candles in them during the season) and then two on every other wall -- spaced roughly five feet apart (we have very large rooms). By doing the 'under the window thing' it worked perfectly. Good luck.

  14. 1 or 2..probably 2 though if I was choosing... :)

  15. Well if your kids are anything like my brother and me once your kids hit the almost teen years they will rearrange the room at least once a month so . . . plan accordingly. Smiles

  16. #2 Won't you move the furniture around from time to time? Jen

  17. I definitely like #2 but as a kid moved my furniture constantly! Just put in lots of outlets.

  18. I like 2 as you can see the bed from the door (handy at night) and the floorspace for playing that it leaves. I'm very envious that your son has a walk in wardrobe and bathroom!! Houses in the UK just don't have those, even in the main suite ::SIGH:: Have fun planning :)


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